![[Original size] Beige and Black Illustratove Organic Art and Painting Youtube Thumbnail-3.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7d9f90_a0266755f0b04a599a8ab6bf42b7ddf1~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_919,h_517,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/7d9f90_a0266755f0b04a599a8ab6bf42b7ddf1~mv2.png)
(Please click here if you only want to run weekend art parties.)
Being an Art Sparks teacher and running an art club for primary school children is a rewarding and fun experience. It can also be challenging when there's paint everywhere at the end of the lesson. However the mess is completely worth the reward!
"It's wonderful to watch children grow in confidence and
improve their art skills week by week!" Kim
Each club is an hour long but there is usually around 30 minutes of clean up time required when the children leave.
We provide you with all the tools, materials and training you need to to run the club and pay you a generous hourly wage. Plus we deal with all the admin. All you need to focus on is teaching your club!
You'll receive:
Online and in person training.
All the materials you need to run the club (just let Kim know if you run out of anything!)
Termly lesson plans with the artworks for each week
£50 per session (£33 an hour)
An Enhanced DBS
This can be applied for using this link: DBS Applications
Classroom Experience (Teacher or Teaching assistant)
It is important that you've had classroom experience with primary school children as you'll need to be able to manage them effectively.
A Creative Inclination
You don't need to be an artist or qualified art teacher to run a kids art club. You do need to be able to teach them a few techniques and actually try the artwork out yourself before teaching it them. Most of my teachers love this bit!
Time Commitment
You'll need to be able to commit to the club sessions during term time. Generally, there are no sessions in the first and last week of term. We also ask that you agree to do a full term at the very least but hope that you will find it so enjoyable that you'll be at your schools for many years!
No Fear of Mess & Good Cleaning Skills
It's important that you're not a person who is not too bothered by mess as the classroom can look like a paint bomb exploded in it after the art club has ended! It will generally take you 20 -30 minutes to clean up and get everything back into your art box.
If you feel like this is the perfect way for you to make a bit of extra money and spread your creativity then get in touch with us and we'll set up a zoom chat!
After this, if you you're ready to go ahead, we'll start putting out feelers to the local schools in your area and hopefully be able to connect you with a school within an few weeks.
We'll then set up a meeting with the school (attended by you and Kim) and provide them with all the necessary documents. They will usually show us where the club will be held and explain pick up procedures.
You would then start teaching the club at the beginning of the forthcoming term!
We really look forward to hearing from and possibly working with you!
Have a squiz at some of our latest art sessions on our Facebook page!